To Our Valued Patient,

This notice describes the policy for Middle Earth Acupuncture LLC regarding how medical information about you may be used and disclosed, how you can get access to this information, and how we protect your privacy.

In order to provide high quality care and service, we may need to share limited personal medical and financial information with your insurance company, with Worker’s Compensation (and your employer by extension), or with other medical practitioners that you authorize.

Types of information that we gather and use:

  • Financial information (billing transactions and receipts).

  • Information from other health care practitioners (such as your medical history, treatment notes, all test results, and any and all communication to or from other healthcare practitioners including letters, faces, emails, or phone conversations).

  • Information from insurance companies, workman’s compensation and your employer, and other third party administrations (e.g. medical record requests, claim payment information).

How we protect your privacy:

  • Access to all stored information is limited as well as password protected.

  • Policies, procedures, and safeguards are in place for the handling of any and all information.

  • We do not retain or maintain any credit card numbers or banking and financial information.

  • Any third party are required to contractually comply with privacy laws.

  • All medical files and records (including email, regular mail, telephone, and faxes sent) are kept on permanent file within your patient file.

Should you need to make any changes to your health information, please do not hesitate to call or text us at (302) 313-6764. For more information regarding accessing your health information, please visit Delaware Health and Social Services.

We thank you for entrusting us with your health and your care.